The skills you need 

We facilitate career change and up-leveling through globally recognized certifications as a way to gain the necessary foundational, vendor neutral knowledge, skills, and best practices to start, advance, or diversify your information technology career.

Our Mission

"Our mission is to empower all communities through accessible and affordable online IT education and certification. We are committed to bridging the opportunity gap, fostering inclusive growth, empowering career change and advancement, and unlocking the full potential of every learner, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. We are an outcome driven organization. Our desired outcome is diversion, inclusion and upward mobility in this fast-evolving digital era."

Why choose a career in Cybersecurity


Earning Potential

The average cyber security professional in the U.S. typically earns between 75k per year at entry level and 135k at the senior level. As with any other profession, this varies greatly depending on the market in your city. In places like California, New York, or the DC, Maryland, Virginia (DMV) metropolitan area, these salary ranges can and often do go much higher. Attaining a viable, in-demand skill allows you to increase the value of the time spent away from the people, places and activities you love, and to exponentiate the returns on that exchange.



The cybersecurity professional can be effective from anywhere that a secure internet connection can be established. Live in an area with a lower cost of living while working remotely in an area with a higher pay rate. Or snowbird for the winter and wait it out while you work from a warmer location. High salary + no physical tether to any specific location = winning! Increase your value and the quality of your life.


Growing Demand

With the rise of Artificial Intelligence and automation, so many jobs are going away. The restaurant, manufacturing and transportation industries, to name a few, are replacing humans with touch screens, robots and driverless vehicles. At the same time that this is happening, cybersecurity is one of the fastest growing and in-demand professional fields, with a supply-demand ratio of 69% (69 workers for every 100 job openings) and a projected 10-year growth rate of 31%. They really do need you out there. The only better time to get started than today was yesterday.
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What you can achieve

Unlock your potential

At TechTeach, we're passionate about empowering individuals with the skills they need to thrive in the dynamic world of Information Technology. With technology evolving at breakneck speed, staying ahead of the curve is essential, and that's where we come in. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps into the IT realm or a seasoned professional aiming to refine your skill set, TechTeach has something unique to offer.



Fully interactive learning

Our curriculum is designed to give students an online learning experience that is just as engaging and interactive as a traditional classroom. We are training with the understanding that most people are visual and hands-on learners.
We use real-world scenarios, case studies, individual and team problem-solving exercises, and cutting-edge collaborative tools that allow our students to learn the lesson and actually do the work. You won't just pass the exam; you'll be prepared to walk into the job and be a rockstar from day one. 
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More than just ACAdemics

Outcome-based coaching

The undertaking of any new task can be intimidating to say the least. The idea of learning a whole new skillset and making a career out of it is change and discomfort on another level altogether. We understand how daunting a task it is. We also understand that there is no growth without discomfort.
To that end, our community is not just knowledge-base and tech driven. There is a certain mindset required to be successful in any arena, and we are heavily focused on helping you to develop that mindset. We don't just teach information technology. We encourage, promote overall wellness and discipline, hold you accountable, and remind you from time to time that you're a straight up beast and together we got this. It's not just a learning experience. We're teaching and coaching you to your desired outcome.

Become a member. Join our community.

Join us now on our journey to create better careers. Better lives. Better futures.